Theme 2009 - Functional Materials

Functional materials are omnipresent in the modern world. They are the basis for technologies with applications in energy, environment and health.  

The school will introduce the concepts behind the design and use of such materials and show how large scale facilities providing beams of photons, muons, and neutrons are used in this field.  


It is the first time that the PSI Summer School offers a twofold educational program with the traditional school in Zuoz followed by a practical training at PSI Facilities in Villigen, which will be available for a limited number of students. The transfer from Zuoz to Villigen will take place on Friday August 7, 2009.

8th PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research
August 1.-7. 2009 in the Lyceum Alpinum, Zuoz, Switzerland

Practical Training at the Paul Scherrer Institut -
Swiss Synchrotron Light Source, Neutron & Muon Sources
August 8.-10. 2009 at SLS, Villigen, Switzerland