
The PSI Summer School will be held during six days, in which scientific experts will provide a comprehensive overview about their research fields.

The school this year will start with morning lectures introducing the techniques, which will be given by PSI staff. These lectures will be accompanied by practicals to deepen the understanding of the methods and also to trigger discussions between the students and the PSI staff scientists. The remaining lectures, given by international expert speakers, will aim at providing the students a comprehensive overview about particular research fields. The program will include lectures from many different disciplines, such as physics, chemistry and biology. Different scientific aspects of functional materials will be presented. The lecturers are recruited internationally and are prominent researchers in their field in Europe and worldwide. A poster session will give the opportunity for the students to present their scientific work. Details about the program are provided in the attached pdf-file.

In between lectures, participants will have the chance to see a bit of Switzerland's beautiful mountain region and to take part in outdoor activities.


Programme summer school: View schedule >>